李卡, 袁星竹, 胡艳杰, 等. 一款集成视听嗅觉虚拟现实假饲装置的研发设计[J]. 四川大学学报(医学版), 2023, 54(4): 792-797. DOI: 10.12182/20230760204
引用本文: 李卡, 袁星竹, 胡艳杰, 等. 一款集成视听嗅觉虚拟现实假饲装置的研发设计[J]. 四川大学学报(医学版), 2023, 54(4): 792-797. DOI: 10.12182/20230760204
LI Ka, YUAN Xingzhu, HU Yanjie, et al. An Integrated Audio-Visual-Olfactory Virtual Reality False Feeding Device: Research, Development, and Design[J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Sciences), 2023, 54(4): 792-797. DOI: 10.12182/20230760204
Citation: LI Ka, YUAN Xingzhu, HU Yanjie, et al. An Integrated Audio-Visual-Olfactory Virtual Reality False Feeding Device: Research, Development, and Design[J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Sciences), 2023, 54(4): 792-797. DOI: 10.12182/20230760204


An Integrated Audio-Visual-Olfactory Virtual Reality False Feeding Device: Research, Development, and Design

  • 摘要:
      目的  为解决管饲或单纯口服的肠内营养供给手段,缺少食物色香味的感官刺激的问题,自主研发一款沉浸式集成视听嗅觉的虚拟现实(virtual reality, VR)假饲装置,并进行设备可用性测试。
      方法  通过护理+机械+计算机多学科合作方式,参考临床患者胃管、氧气管安置等特点,进行3D建模打印气味盒外观框架,采用主流虚拟引擎工具Unity3d.5.x制作场景。该装置通过3种VR用餐场景、23种美食和舒适的用餐环境进行视觉刺激;通过播放咀嚼声音,模拟真实的进食步骤进行听觉刺激;通过自主研发嗅觉气味盒,喷发相应美食气味进行嗅觉刺激。产生设备样机后,纳入10例患者行使用者设备可用性主观评价。
      结果  成功研发一款集成视听嗅觉刺激为一体的VR假饲装置。在视觉评价方面,全部使用者评价视野清晰、实现无阻挡,且菜单节目能够跟随转动, 8人认为场景真实;在听觉评价方面,所有使用者认为声音大小适宜,且在食物靠近时有咀嚼音;在嗅觉评价方面, 9人在食物靠近时闻到气味,且认为气味真实或部分真实,设备总体使用感受方便,所有使用者均认为该设备呈现清晰、能稳定流畅地运行。所有使用者均未出现头晕等不良反应。
      结论  本装置样机通过临床患者可用性主观测试,能顺利呈现视觉、听觉、嗅觉刺激,有效扩展了VR在医疗领域的应用前景,未来可应用于外科手术、进食障碍、肥胖和食欲不振患者等不能经口进食的群体,为促进外科患者快速康复,提升临床体验提供新思路。


      Objective  To resolve the problem of the lack of sensory stimulation from the colors and aromas of food when patients are given enteral nutrition support by tube feeding or simple oral administration, an immersive virtual reality (VR) sham feeding device integrating audio, visual, and olfactory sense perceptions was developed independently and the usability of the device was tested.
      Methods  Relying on the multidisciplinary cooperation of nursing, mechanical engineering, and computer science and using as a reference the characteristics of gastric tube and oxygen tube placement in clinical patients, we carried out 3D modeling and printing of the exterior framework of the odor box. Unity 3d.5.x, a mainstream virtual engine tool, was used to create scenarios. The device could create visual stimulation through 3 VR dining scenarios, 23 kinds of food, and comfortable dining environment. The sound of chewing was played to simulate the dining process and provide auditory stimulation. Through the independently researched and developed olfactory odor box, corresponding food aromas were sprayed out for olfactory stimulation. After the equipment prototype was created, 10 patients were recruited to perform users' subjective evaluation of the usability of the equipment.
      Results  A VR sham feeding device integrating audio-visual-olfactory stimulation was successfully developed. In the visual effect evaluation, all users commented that the vision was clear and unimpeded, and that the menu program could follow their rotation movement. Eight people considered the scenes to be rather realistic. In the auditory effect evaluation, all users stated that the volume of the sound was appropriate, and that they would hear a chewing sound being played when the food was approaching. In the olfactory effect evaluation, 9 people stated that they smelled the food aromas when the food was approaching, and that they thought the odor was real or partially real. On the whole, the equipment was convenient to use and all users thought that the equipment had clear presentation and could run stably and smoothly. No adverse reactions, such as dizziness, occurred in any users.
      Conclusion  Successfully presenting visual, auditory, and olfactory stimuli, the prototype device passed the subjective usability test. The prototype device effectively expands the application prospects of VR in the medical field. In the future, it will be applied to patient populations, including surgical patients, patients with eating disorders, obesity, and loss of appetite, and other patients who cannot take in food through their mouths. The prototype device provides new ideas for promoting enhanced recovery after surgery and improving patient experience.


