
3.0T磁共振single shot PSIR与segmented PSIR序列在心肌梗死评价中的对比研究

Comparison of Quantification of Myocardial Infarct Size by One Breath Hold Single Shot PSIR Sequence andSegmented FLASH-PSIR Sequence at 3.0 Tesla MR

  • 摘要: 目的 探讨单次屏气单次激发相位重聚梯度回波相位对比反转恢复序列(single shot true-FISP-PSIR)与多次屏气k空间节段填充快速扰相梯度回波相位对比反转恢复序列(segmented-turbo-FLASH-PSIR)在心脏磁共振增强扫描(CE-CMR)中定性及定量评价心肌梗死的比较优势。方法 纳入临床诊断心肌梗死并行心脏磁共振增强检查的患者38例,按标准扫描方案,在完成心肌首过灌注(钆对比剂,0.15 mmol/kg)12~20 min后行心肌延迟扫描。分别采用single shot true-FISP-PSIR和segmented-turbo-FLASH-PSIR两种延迟扫描方案完成左心室短轴扫描。比较两种序列图像的质量,并采用心脏磁共振图像分析软件(Q-mass,Medis)自动测量每位患者的梗死心肌体积和梗死心肌比例(ratio),比较两种不同序列对于定量评价梗死心肌体积和比例的差异。结果 所有患者均成功完成所有扫描。两种序列采集的心肌延迟强化图像对比度噪声比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);两种序列间左室心肌总体积差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),同时single shot true-FISP-PSIR梗死心肌体积〔(30.87±15.72) mL〕及梗死心肌比例(22.94%±10.94%)与segmented-turbo-FLASH-PSIR相比〔(29.26±14.07) mL, (20.75%±8.78%)〕,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);但前者平均采集时间(20.4 s)短于后者(380 s)。结论 Single shot true-FISP-PSIR 心脏磁共振延迟扫描技术能够实现单次屏气的准确的心肌梗死范围的定量评价,与常规segmented-turbo-FLASH-PSIR序列效果相当,并能显著缩短扫描时间,值得在临床和研究中应用。


    Abstract: Objective To compare the two sequences 〔single shot true-FISP-PSIR (single shot-PSIR) and segmented-turbo-FLASH-PSIR (segmented-PSIR)〕 in the value of quantification for myocardial infarct size at 3.0 tesla MRI. Methods 38 patients with clinical confirmed myocardial infarction were served a comprehensive gadonilium cardiac MRI at 3.0 tesla MRI system (Trio, Siemens). Myocardial delayed enhancement (MDE) were performed by single shot-PSIR and segmented-PSIR sequences separatedly in 12-20 min followed gadopentetate dimeglumine injection (0.15 mmol/kg) .The quality of MDE images were analysed by experienced physicians. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) between the two techniques were compared. Myocardial infarct size was quantified by a dedicated software automatically (Q-mass, Medis). Results All objectives were scanned on the 3.0T MR successfully. No significant difference was found in SNR and CNR of the image quality between the two sequences (P>0.05), as well as the total myocardial volume, between two sequences (P>0.05). Furthermore, there were still no difference in the infarct size 〔single shot-PSIR (30.87±15.72) mL, segmented-PSIR (29.26±14.07) mL〕, ratio 〔single shot-PSIR (22.94%±10.94%), segmented-PSIR (20.75%±8.78%) 〕 between the two sequences (P>0.05). However, the average aquisition time of single shot-PSIR (21.4 s) was less than that of the latter (380 s). Conclusion Single shot-PSIR is equal to segmented-PSIR in detecting the myocardial infarct size with less acquisition time, which is valuable in the clinic application and further research.


