

Comorbidity of Autoimmune Diseases: a Field that Needs Multidisciplinary Attention

  • 摘要: 自身免疫性疾病的共病现象是一类易被忽视的临床症候群。与传统学科划分及治疗模式不同,自身免疫共病的诊治需要多学科交叉合作。本文从自身免疫共病的疾病特征出发,分析自身免疫共病在遗传、环境、免疫等因素参与下的分子免疫兼容性等方面的共同发病机制,概括自身免疫共病表现的共同病理特点(包括免疫复合物沉积、淋巴细胞聚集等),深入探讨存在共病的自身免疫疾病的临床特点(如诱导-激发模式,此消彼长等),最后总结自身免疫共病的转归及预后(与器官损害程度的相关性)。本专题拟通过拓展自身免疫共病现象的概念及应用,引起临床工作者对这一领域的认识及关注,从而规范该类疾病的诊疗,改善疾病预后。


    Abstract: Comorbidity of autoimmune diseases is a very important issue but easily ignored in the clinical practice. The treatment of comorbidity of autoimmune diseases needs cooperation of multiple disciplines, which is totally different from traditional clinical disciplines division and treatment mode. Based on the clinical features of the disease, we will comprehensively look through genetic, environmental, and immune factors involving in molecular and immunological compatibility pathogenesis, and also generalize common pathological features, such as immune complex deposition and accumulation of lymphocytes. We will also investigate the association and differences between the diseases with comorbidity, and explore the outcome and prognosis of comorbidity of autoimmune diseases. With clarify of the concept of autoimmune comorbidities, we hope bring more and more attention on this aspect, so as to improve the diagnosis, treatments as well as the prognosis of these diseases.


