

Ultrasound Manifestations of Eyes of Pediatric Patients with Morning Glory Syndrome

  • 摘要: 目的探讨小儿牵牛花综合征(morning glory syndrome,MGS)患眼超声表现及特点。方法将2005~2016年确诊为MGS并有完整高频超声眼部检查资料的6例患儿(7只患眼)纳入研究,回顾性分析其超声及临床表现。结果6例患儿(男4例,女2例)诊断时年龄5~60月,中位年龄8.5月。12只眼中7只MGS,伴视网膜脱离2例;伴永存原始玻璃体增生症(PHPV)及眼小1例,对侧眼白内障;仅伴PHPV 1例;双眼MGS 1例;无合并眼病MGS 1例。二维超声表现:7只MGS患眼视盘区呈局限性凹陷状,边界清楚,形态规则,与玻璃体相通,深面突向眼球后极视神经走行方向,病灶最大深度为4~15 mm,平均(8.29±4.42) mm,最大宽度为4~11 mm,平均(6.86±2.67) mm;凹陷内未见正常视神经回声;局部放大观察5个凹陷病灶底部显示有弱回声充填;7只患眼视神经轴末端与凹陷底部相距距离不一,最近者呈紧贴状态,最远者相距约4.5 mm。彩色血流显像:7例凹陷区周边血流信号(Adler,2~3级)明显较凹陷内部血流(Adler,0~1级)丰富。结论MGS眼常伴其他眼部病变。视盘区局限性凹陷区为该病典型超声表现特征。超声有助诊断MGS,且还能进一步发现其他伴发眼病。


    Abstract: Objective To analyze ultrasonic manifestations of eyes of pediatric patients with morning glory syndrome (MGS). Methods Clinical data and ultrasound (US) findings for six children (4 males and 2 females, 5-60 months old) diagnosed with MGS between 2005 and 2016 were reviewed. Results Of the 12 eyes, seven were diagnosed with MGS; one with cataract; the other four were normal. One child had both eyes diagnosed with MGS. Of the seven eyes with MGS (5 right, 2 left), one was small associated with persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV); 2 had retinal detachment. Findings of high frequency ultrasound included local anechoic lesions with distinct boundary showing a convert bottle-neck shape that appeared in the area of optic disk of posterior pole. The lesions communicated with the vitreous caicy and extended to the optic nerves. The lesions had a maximum depth of 4-15 mm 〔(8.29±4.42) mm〕 and a maximum width of 4-11 mm 〔(6.86±2.67) mm〕. Hypoecho material was found in the bottom of five of the seven lesions. The distance between the end of the optic nerves and the bottom of the lesions ranged from 0 to 4.5 mm. Lower levels (Adler 0-1 grade) of blood flow in the bottom of the lesions were found compared with those (3-5 grade) in the rim of the lesions. Conclusion MGS is rare and usual occurs in young children, especially infants. It is often associated with various eye complications. The ultrasound manifestations of MGS are characterized with a local anechoic lesion mimicking a convert bottle-neck shape in the area of optic disk of posterior pole. 


