

Investigation and Analysis of Deacclimatization in Tibetan College Students Upon First Visit to Low-Altitude Regions

  • 摘要:
    目的 以西藏世居藏族大学生为对象,探讨藏族学生初次到达平原生理指标的变化与海拔、年龄、性别之间的相关性,为高原人群初入平原的健康提供保障。
    方法 采用整群随机抽样的方法抽取西藏民族大学大一藏族新生,选取身体健康,无呼吸、循环、神经系统等疾病且无上述系统疾病家族史的学生170名,其中男女生各85名作为本次研究对象。通过调查问卷及相关生理指标监测,分析藏族大学生到达平原后1个月内脱适应症状发生率及持续时间,同时利用R语言及SPSS软件分析探讨藏族学生初入平原前后血压、心率、体质量的变化情况与调查对象的年龄、性别及居住地海拔的相关性。
    结果 统计分析发现,藏族大学生初次抵达平原后1周内会有脱适应症状,主要以头昏、乏力、嗜睡等为主,且女生发生率为41.9%,男生发生率为22.5%。其次,到达平原后血压和心率会经历先下降后恢复的过程,并且平均体质量较初入平原时增长1.5 kg。最后,不同性别、海拔高度藏族学生到达平原后血压、心率及体质量差异明显且具有统计学意义。
    结论 藏族大学生到达平原后生理指标变化明显,且收缩压、体质量等与性别、海拔等因素相关性较强。


    Objective To investigate the correlation between changes in physiological indicators and altitude, age, and sex among ethnic Tibetan college students living in Xizang on long-term basis upon their first ever visit to a low-altitude region, thereby providing health guidance for long-term residents of high-altitude regions when they visit low-altitude environments for the first time.
    Methods A cluster random sampling method was used to select 170 healthy first-year college students of Tibetan ethnicity (85 males and 85 females), from Xizang Minzu University. The participants did not have any respiratory, circulatory, or nervous system diseases, nor any family history of such conditions. Based on their responses to questionnaires and the monitoring data of their physiological indicators, an analysis was conducted to assess the incidence and duration of deacclimatization symptoms among these Tibetan college students during the first month after their arrival at a low-altitude region. In addition, the R programming language and the SPSS software were used to analyze the correlation between changes in blood pressure, heart rate, and body weight and the participants' age, sex, and the altitude of their long-term residence in Xizang before and after their arrival at a low-altitude region.
    Results Statistical analysis revealed that Tibetan college students experienced deacclimatization symptoms within the first week of their first ever visit to a low-altitude region, primarily characterized by dizziness, fatigue, and drowsiness. The incidence was 41.9% among female students and 22.5% among male students. Furthermore, after arriving at low-altitude region, the participants experience an initial decrease followed by a recovery in both blood pressure and heart rate. They gained an average of 1.5 kg in body mass compared with their initial measurements upon arrival in a low-altitude region. Significant differences in blood pressure, heart rate, and body mass were observed among Tibetan students of different sexes and altitudes of their long-term residence in Xizang after their arrival in a low-altitude region.
    Conclusion  After arriving at a low-altitude region, Tibetan college students exhibit marked changes in physiological indicators, showing strong correlations between systolic blood pressure, body mass, etc., and sex, altitude, and other parameters.


