

Interpretation of the Guidelines for Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment of Liver Cirrhosis

  • 摘要: 肝硬化是各种急、慢性肝病的终末期阶段,是全球第11大常见的死亡原因。近年来,随着临床研究的进展,中西医结合治疗肝硬化的循证医学证据日趋增多,2023年由中国中西医结合学会、中华中医药学会、中华医学会联合发布了本领域第一部循证指南《肝硬化中西医结合诊疗指南》。本文结合国内外最新研究,对指南中的中医病因病机、诊断学进展、病证结合、分期辨证诊断模式、中西医结合治疗策略等亮点部分进行详细解读,以期加深同道对本指南的理解,推动中西医结合诊疗肝硬化水平的提高。


    Abstract: Liver cirrhosis is the terminal stage of various acute and chronic liver diseases and ranks 11th among the most common causes of death worldwide. In recent years, with the progress of clinical research, there has been increasing support from evidence-based medicine for the treatment of liver cirrhosis with integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine. In 2023, the Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine, the China Association of Chinese Medicine, and the Chinese Medical Association jointly released the first evidence-based guideline in this field, the Guidelines for Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment of Liver Cirrhosis. By combining the latest research at home and abroad, this article provides a detailed interpretation of the highlights in the guideline, including traditional Chinese medicine etiology and pathogenesis, diagnostic progress, disease and syndrome combination, stage-based diagnostic mode, and treatment strategies of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine. The aim is to enhance understanding of this guideline among health workers and promote the improvement of the diagnosis and treatment of liver cirrhosis with integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine.


