Research Progress in Organocatalysts Used in the Synthesis of Medical Polyurethanes and Their Biotoxicity
Abstract:Medical polyurethanes have emerged as a leading choice for biomedical applications owing to their exceptional biocompatibility and good physical and mechanical properties. Catalysts play a crucial role as additives in the synthesis of medical polyurethanes, enhancing synthesis efficiency and material properties. However, the catalysts used may affect the biocompatibility of polyurethanes and pose potential harm to human health. This review encapsulates the latest findings regarding the catalysts employed in the synthesis of medical polyurethane materials and their biotoxicity. Initially, we reviewed the prevalent types of catalysts used in the synthesis of medical polyurethane materials and described their distinctive characteristics. Subsequently, our focus shifted to exploring the potential biotoxicity associated with these catalysts. Finally, we provided a forward-looking perspective and recommendations for the future trajectory of catalyst selection in the synthesis of medical polyurethane materials. By acquiring a more profound understanding of the properties and biotoxicity of catalysts used in the synthesis of medical polyurethane materials, and by uncovering existing issues and challenges, we can better guide the design of medical polyurethane materials. This, in turn, enables us to chart the course for future development and ultimately enhance the biocompatibility and safety profiles of medical polyurethane materials. Such advancements will promote the continued development and application of medical polyurethane materials in clinical settings.
- Polyurethane /
- Catalyst /
- Organotin /
- Organic bismuth /
- Biotoxicity /
- Research progress
Organocatalyst type Formula Specificity Biological toxicity Triethylenediamine C6H12N2 Catalyzing the reaction of isocyanates with water Eye and skin irritant and visual impairment. Dibutyltin dilaurate C32H64O4Sn Catalyzing the reaction of isocyanates with alcohols Damage to the right parietal cortex of rats[3], inhibition of conception, and increase in abortions and fetal malformations in female rats.[4-5], causing testicular lesions in male rats and reducing sperm count and quality[6], and causing high levels of DNA damage in rat hepatocytes and lesions in liver tissue[7]。 Stannous octoate C16H30O4Sn Catalyzing the reaction of isocyanates with alcohols Inhibition of human astrocyte activity[8], causing abnormal locomotor behavior in rats[8], and inhibition of the growth of mouse fibroblasts and human endothelial cells[9]。 Bismuth C30H57BiO6 Catalyzing the reaction of isocyanates with alcohols No obvious biological toxicity[10-11] Bismuth octoate C8H16Bi2 Catalyzing the reaction of isocyanates with alcohols No obvious biological toxicity[10] 1. 聚氨酯常用有机催化剂
1.1 有机胺类催化剂
1.2 有机锡催化剂
有机锡是最常用的有机金属催化剂之一,主要用于聚氨酯的凝胶反应。在异氰酸酯与多元醇的反应中,有机锡显示出很高的选择性。常见的有机锡催化剂包括二月桂酸二丁基锡(dibutyltin dilaurate, DBTDL)和辛酸亚锡,均具有很强的催化活性,能发挥路易斯酸的作用,在与异氰酸酯基团发生相互作用后提升异氰酸酯碳原子的亲电活性,加快聚合反应速率[14]。
1.3 有机铋催化剂
有机铋在医用聚氨酯合成中逐渐受到关注[16-18]。常见的有机铋催化剂包括新癸酸铋和异辛酸铋[10, 18]。新癸酸铋,是一种高效的聚氨酯合成催化剂,具有优异的水解稳定性。作为一种强凝胶催化剂,反应初期分子间在反应水平较低的情况下,可延迟体系黏度增加,促进反应后期完成。因此,新癸酸铋广泛应用于医用聚氨酯领域。
2. 聚氨酯常用有机催化剂生物毒性
2.1 有机锡催化剂生物毒性
从20世纪50年代开始,有机锡化合物(organic tin, OT)在船舶防污漆、工业催化剂和农业杀虫剂等方面得到广泛应用[20]。三丁基锡(tributyltin, TBT)和三苯基锡(triphenyltin, TPT)等化合物可以有效保护船舶免受海洋生物附着[21]。1970年,有机锡防污漆被首次发现可引起牡蛎贝壳钙化,从而导致其繁殖能力下降。研究表明,0.02 mg/L TBT可影响软体动物的生育。随着有机锡化合物的广泛应用,人们开始更加重视其毒性效应研究[20, 22-23]。许多国家禁止有机锡用于防污漆,欧洲玩具安全指令(Toy Safety Directive, TSD)也对多种有机锡用于儿童玩具生产进行了限制[24]。尽管有机锡能够通过多种途径降解,逐步转化为低毒性的无机锡,但其在环境以及生物体内的蓄积依然对生物体造成潜在的危害,包括神经毒性、免疫毒性以及生殖毒性等问题[7]。
2.1.1 有机锡催化剂神经毒性
研究显示,对大鼠使用不同浓度的DBTDL后,脑组织中超氧化歧化酶和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活性明显降低,丙二醛含量增加,导致大脑的氧化-抗氧化失衡,损害细胞膜,促进神经胶质细胞和神经元凋亡。此外,DBTDL中毒还会导致脑组织中一氧化氮(nitric oxide, NO)含量、丙二醛含量和一氧化氮合酶(nitric oxide synthase, NOS)活性增加,同时降低谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(glutathione peroxidase, GSH-Px)以及超氧化物歧化酶的活性。这些变化最终会诱导细胞凋亡,从而损害中枢神经系统。高剂量的DBTDL还可以引起大鼠右顶叶皮层超微结构的变化[3, 27]。DBTDL中毒后会导致大鼠大脑中多个区域的多胺水平明显增加,这可能导致突触功能紊乱,对中枢神经系统的正常功能产生影响[28]。此外,DBTDL还会影响大鼠的其他神经传递物质,如多巴胺和去甲肾上腺素,导致运动能力和学习能力的下降[29]。研究发现,辛酸亚锡对大鼠神经传递和体外人星形胶质细胞具有毒性影响。随着辛酸亚锡浓度的增加,受毒星形胶质细胞的线粒体活性逐渐下降,10 µg/mL辛酸亚锡组细胞活性仅有正常细胞的16%。大鼠在注射辛酸亚锡30 d后出现明显的运动行为异常和多巴胺神经传递量增加的现象[8]。
2.1.2 有机锡催化剂生殖毒性
研究表明,包括DBTDL在内的许多有机锡化合物都具有生殖毒性。雌性大鼠接触DBTDL后,血清中NO与NOS水平明显下降,碱性磷酸酶、谷丙转氨酶、γ-谷氨酰转肽酶含量增加。此外, DBTDL还能抑制雌二醇的分泌,损伤子宫,导致雌鼠交配率和受孕率下降,流产率、胎儿畸形率增加,且雌性胎鼠比雄性胎鼠对DBTDL更为敏感,死亡率更高[4-5]。在雄性大鼠中,DBTDL导致睾丸组织内的NO、NOS水平上升,而睾酮的水平下降,睾丸组织出现病变。高浓度的NO对生精细胞造成损害,睾酮含量不足难以抑制大鼠垂体诱导生殖细胞凋亡,进而降低精子数量及增加畸形率,对大鼠的生殖系统和生殖功能产生影响[6]。研究发现,二正丁基锡化合物可导致胎儿畸形[30]。
2.1.3 有机锡催化剂其他毒性
有机锡是聚氨酯合成中常用的催化剂,尽管使用量小,但考虑到其可能在环境中沉积和析出的影响[20],极大地阻碍了聚氨酯材料在医疗器械领域的应用和发展[21, 36]。研究其毒性对于推动医用聚氨酯的发展具有重要意义。
2.2 有机铋催化剂生物毒性
2.2.1 有机铋催化剂生物毒性评价
PRETTI等[11]使用新癸酸铋和二醋酸二丁基锡作为催化剂,合成了一种新型薄膜,并研究该薄膜对微生物的生物毒性。他们发现,使用新癸酸铋合成的薄膜对4种微生物都无明显生物毒性,而利用二醋酸二丁基锡合成的薄膜至少对其中2种微生物显示出明显的生物毒性。其他研究同样发现,使用新癸酸铋催化剂作为催化剂合成的聚氨酯产品未对细胞活性产生明显影响,甚至可以明显增强小鼠成纤维细胞的活性[10, 37]。
此外,除了有机铋催化剂,其他有机铋化合物也表现出低毒性。如高浓度Bi-PEG(500 mg/mL)未明显引起大鼠溶血[38]。以新癸酸铋为原料合成Bi2S3纳米点CT造影剂未明显影响体外细胞活性,大鼠连续1个月注射Bi2S3造影剂后,其心脏、脾脏、肝脏和肾脏均未发生明显病变。这表明Bi2S3能被有效地排除,减少在体内的蓄积[39]。
2.2.2 铋化合物的医学应用
在一项铋化合物毒性临床案例中,患者长期摄入次水杨酸铋(每天8 oz),导致肌肉痉挛、癫痫等症状。然而,在停止服用次水杨酸铋12周后,患者完全康复,这表明人体能清除体内蓄积的铋化合物,从而减少铋的生物毒性[40]。另外,ZHANG等[41]对Bi2Se3纳米材料作为造影剂在大鼠体内的分布及毒性进行了研究。结果显示,Bi2Se3主要分布在大鼠的肝脏和脾脏,且90 d后几乎被完全清除。注射Bi2Se3大鼠的体质量和胸腺指数与对照组没有明显差异。
以上研究表明,铋化合物广泛应用于疾病治疗并未引起明显的生物毒性。因此,有机铋是合成生物相容性良好的聚合物的理想催化剂。异辛酸铋和新癸酸铋作为常见聚氨酯合成的有机铋催化剂,其催化机理类似于有机锡[17, 42]。尽管其催化活性不及有机锡,但仍然可作为低毒、无毒的绿色催化剂的理想替代品。此外,铋化合物易于获取,成本较低,具有广泛的应用前景[43]。
3. 总结与展望
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作者贡献声明 赵代国负责论文构思和调查研究,张明杰负责论文构思和初稿写作,李震负责监督指导,兰婉玲负责研究方法,蒙明姜负责正式分析,谭鸿负责论文构思和监督指导。所有作者已经同意将文章提交给本刊,且对将要发表的版本进行最终定稿,并同意对工作的所有方面负责。
Author contribution ZHAO Daiguo is responsible for conceptualization and investigation. ZHANG Mingjie is responsible for conceptualization and writing--original draft. LI Zhen is responsible for supervision. LAN Wanling is responsible for methodology. MENG Mingjiang is responsible for formal analysis. TAN Hong is responsible for conceptualization and supervision. All authors consented to the submission of the article to the Journal. All authors approved the final version to be published and agreed to take responsibility for all aspects of the work.
利益冲突 所有作者均声明不存在利益冲突
Declaration of conflicting interests All authors declare no competing interests.
表 1 常见聚氨酯催化剂以及生物毒性
Table 1 Common polyurethane catalysts and their biological toxicity
Organocatalyst type Formula Specificity Biological toxicity Triethylenediamine C6H12N2 Catalyzing the reaction of isocyanates with water Eye and skin irritant and visual impairment. Dibutyltin dilaurate C32H64O4Sn Catalyzing the reaction of isocyanates with alcohols Damage to the right parietal cortex of rats[3], inhibition of conception, and increase in abortions and fetal malformations in female rats.[4-5], causing testicular lesions in male rats and reducing sperm count and quality[6], and causing high levels of DNA damage in rat hepatocytes and lesions in liver tissue[7]。 Stannous octoate C16H30O4Sn Catalyzing the reaction of isocyanates with alcohols Inhibition of human astrocyte activity[8], causing abnormal locomotor behavior in rats[8], and inhibition of the growth of mouse fibroblasts and human endothelial cells[9]。 Bismuth C30H57BiO6 Catalyzing the reaction of isocyanates with alcohols No obvious biological toxicity[10-11] Bismuth octoate C8H16Bi2 Catalyzing the reaction of isocyanates with alcohols No obvious biological toxicity[10] -
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1. 吴雪,徐璐,王焱超. 基于组织工程方法的周围神经修复材料应用及机制研究进展. 遵义医科大学学报. 2024(10): 1018-1029 . 百度学术 其他类型引用(0)
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