

Vitiligo Combined With Annular Lichen Planus: A Rare Case Report

  • 摘要: 患者女,36岁,因“腰部白斑10+年,其上新发环状斑块6+月”来院就诊。入院后完善伍德灯检查示:阳性。右腰部环状隆起边缘处皮肤组织病理示:表皮角化过度,颗粒层楔形增厚,基底层细胞液化变性,真皮浅层淋巴细胞呈带状浸润。诊断:白癜风并发环状扁平苔藓。予以卤米松乳膏治疗,2次/d,治疗1个月后紫红色环状斑块基本消退,随访2个月未见复发。环状扁平苔藓是扁平苔藓的一种少见亚型,迄今国内外尚未见到此病合并白癜风的病例报道。


    Abstract: A 36-year-old female patient came to our hospital with the chief complaint of having white patches on her waist for 10-plus years and having new annular plaques appearing on the white patches for 6-plus months. Wood's lamp examination done in the hospital showed a positive result. Histopathology of skin tissue from the edge of the annular swelling on the right waist revealed epidermal hyperkeratosis, wedge-shaped thickening of the granular layer, liquefactive degeneration of the basal cells, and a band-like infiltration of lymphocytes in the superficial dermis. The patient was diagnosed with vitiligo combined with annular lichen planus (ALP). The patient was treated with topical halometasone cream administered twice a day. The purplish-red annular plagues subsided and disappeared almost completely one month after the treatment was started and no signs of recurrence were observed duringn the 2-month follow-up. ALP is a rare variant of lichen planus. There has been no reported case of vitiligo combined with ALP so far.


