

Iopromide-Induced Encephalopathy: A Case Report and Literature Review

  • 摘要: 患者,男,42岁,因“发作性晕厥10+个月,胸闷20+ d,胸痛10+ d”入院。诊断为肥厚型心肌病,既往无高血压、糖尿病病史。为了解左室流出道压差及冠脉情况,予以左室心导管检查及冠脉造影术,心导管经右侧桡动脉入路,共使用碘质量浓度为370 mg I/mL的碘普罗胺200 mL,术后患者出现以剧烈头痛、皮质盲、神经精神症状为主要临床表现的造影剂脑病。予以降颅压、镇静及止痛等对症支持治疗,患者自愈。


    Abstract: A 42-year-old male was admitted for paroxysmal syncope for 10+ months, chest tightness for 20+ days and chest pain for 10+ days. The patient was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The patient did not have a history of hypertension or diabetes. Coronary angiography and left ventricular cardiac catheterization were done in order to examine the coronary artery and the pressure gradient of the left ventricular outflow tract. The cardiac catheterization was performed via a right radial artery approach and a total of 200 mL of 370 mg I/mL iopromide was injected. The patient developed contrast-induced encephalopathy following the cardiac catheterization procedure, displaying severe headache, cortical blindness and neuropsychiatric symptom as the main clinical manifestations. The patient was then given symptomatic and supportive treatment, including decreasing intracranial pressure, analgesics and sedatives, and the patient recovered.


