

A Review of Progress of the Relation Between Stress Response and Diabetes Mellitus

  • 摘要: 应激反应是机体应对环境变化的一种适应模式。适度应激反应可诱导机体建立有效的适应策略以提高生存能力,而过度的应激反应会引起机体应激损伤,导致多种生理或心理相关疾病的发生发展,其中也包括糖尿病。糖尿病是一种典型的应激相关疾病,已有大量证据表明糖尿病的发生发展过程与代谢应激、氧化应激和内质网应激密切相关,然而各种应激反应调控糖尿病的具体分子机制及如何通过调变应激反应来预防和治疗糖尿病仍有待进一步研究。本文对应激反应的概念、调控机制及各种应激反应在糖尿病发病过程中的功能和作用机制进行概述,重点关注近年来应激医学在糖尿病研究领域的前沿发展,以期为糖尿病的预防与治疗提供理论依据和参考。未来的研究应重点阐明介导应激反应调控糖尿病发病过程的关键因子作为药物靶标的临床应用价值,并加速推进相关的转化医学研究。


    Abstract: Stress response is an adaptive process of the organism to confront environmental perturbation. Moderate stress response induces the organism to establish effective adaptive strategies for survival, while excessive stress response results in stress injury, which is a major cause of a variety of physical or psychological diseases, including diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus is a typical stress-related disease, with numerous evidence indicating that the development and progression of diabetes mellitus are closely related to stress response, such as metabolic stress, oxidative stress and endoplasmic reticulum stress. However, the detailed mechanisms of stress response mediated regulation of diabetes mellitus and how to prevent or treat diabetes mellitus via modification of stress response remain to be further investigated. Here, we will introduce the definition and regulatory mechanisms of stress response, as well as discuss the biological functions and mechanisms of various stress responses during the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus. This review highlights recent advances of stress medicine associated with diabetes mellitus, in order to provide theoretical basis and reference for prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus. Future studies should focus on elucidating the clinical application potential of the key factors of stress response that mediate the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus, as well as boosting the related translational medicine studies.


