Visual Performance of Amblyopia before and after Correcting Higher Order Aberrations with Adaptive Optics System
Objective To investigate visual performance of monocular amblyopia before and after correcting higher order aberrations (HOAs) with adaptive optics system. Methods Visual acuity (VA) and contrast sensitivity (CS) thresholds of ten monocular amblyopes were measured before and after correcting higher order aberrations with adaptive optics system. The change of them were analyzed. Results A significant improvement of 0.16 times on average (P=0.005) visual acuity of the amblyopic eyes and 0.34 times on average (P<0.001) CS thresholds, mainly improved at 24 cpd were observed. Conclusion The visual performance of amblyopic eyes can be improved after correcting higher order aberrations, and HOAs affect CS at some high spatial frequency.