

The Effect of Electrical Stimulation of Nucleus Tractus Solitarius on Cardiac Nociception and Its Spinal CordMechanism in Rat

  • 摘要: 目的 观察电刺激孤束核(nucleus tractus solitarius,NTS)对心包内注射辣椒素诱发的心脏-躯体运动反射(cardiac-somatic motor reflex,CMR)的影响,以及脊髓鞘内注射受体拮抗剂对NTS这一电刺激效应的影响,探讨参与NTS对心脏伤害性信息调控的脊髓机制。方法 SD大鼠随机分为电刺激组、对照组、育亨宾组、纳洛酮组。分别单独电刺激NTS或电刺激NTS结合脊髓鞘内注射溶媒、生理盐水、去甲肾上腺素α2受体阻断剂(育亨宾)或阿片受体阻断剂(纳洛酮),观察以背斜方肌肌电(electromyogram, EMG)活动为指标的CMR变化。结果 与对照比较,电刺激(10、20、50 μA) NTS,CMR呈强度依赖性的减少(P<0.05);鞘内注射育亨宾的溶媒或生理盐水10 μL,对20 μA电刺激的抑制效应没有明显影响(P>0.05); 鞘内注射育亨宾(20、50 μg)或纳洛酮(50、100μg),电刺激对CMR的抑制效应被翻转 (P<0.05);鞘内注射小剂量的纳洛酮(10μg),使电刺激对CMR的抑制效应增强(P<0.05)。结论 电刺激NTS对心脏伤害性感受信息有下行抑制作用,脊髓的α2去甲肾上腺素受体和阿片受体介导NTS的下行抑制作用,小剂量的纳洛酮对该下行抑制有协同作用。


    Abstract: Objective Examine the effect of electrical stimulation of nucleus tractus solitaries (NTS) on cardiac-somatic motor reflex (CMR) that induced by intrapericardial administration of capsaicin to clarify the spinal cord mechanism of NTS involved in cardiac nociception in rat. Methods SD rats were randomly divided into electrical stimulation, control, yohimbine and naloxone group and treated with elecetrical stimulation NTS alone, or with intrathecal injection of vehicle, saline, norepinephrine α2 receptors antagonist (yohimbine), opioid receptor antagonist (naloxone) respectively. Results Electrical stimulation of NTS (10, 20, 50 μA), the CMR response decreased in an intensity-dependent manner (P <0.05); intrathecal injection of vehicle, saline had no effect on the inhibition effect of electrical stimulation (P >0.05); intrathecal injection of yohimbine (20 μg, 50 μg) or naloxone (50 μg, 100 μg), reversed the inhibition effect of electrical stimulation (P <0.05); intrathecal injection of low dose of naloxone, the inhibition effect of electrical stimulation was potentiated. Conclusion Electrical stimulation of NTS has inhibition effect on cardiac nociception, norepinephrine α2 receptors and opioid receptor in spinal cord involved in this descending inhibition, low dose of naloxone has synergetic effect with descending inhibition.


