

Breast Cancer Screening of 20 000 Women in Guizhou Province

  • 摘要: 目的 通过分析2万名妇女进行乳腺癌筛查的情况,探讨适合贵州省省情的妇女乳腺癌筛查技术。方法 采用问卷调查、乳腺专科体检和高频多普勒彩超检查为联合筛查手段,以病理活检为金标准,对2010~2012年贵州省部分地区常住妇女共20 183人开展乳腺癌筛查。并对筛查结果进行统计学分析。结果 将筛查人群分为多次接受筛查人群和首次接受筛查人群两大类,前者12 089人,检出乳腺癌10人(82.7/10万),其中早期乳腺癌8人(80%);后者8 094名,检出乳腺癌11人(135.9/10万),其中早期乳腺癌4人(36.4%)。本次筛查发现乳腺癌发病年龄35~80岁,发病高峰年龄41~60岁,该年龄段筛查出乳腺癌15人 (15/21,71.4%),与其他年龄段乳腺癌检出率相比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。共检出各种囊实性及实性包块246人,包块最小为0.2 cm×0.3 cm,经空心针穿刺或包块切除活检明确乳腺良性包块225人,癌前期病变6人,乳腺癌21人,其中12人(57.1%)为早期乳腺癌(0期、Ⅰ期),乳腺癌检出率104/10万。结论 2010~2012年贵州省部分地区乳腺癌发病率为104/10万,发病高峰年龄41~60岁;采用乳腺专科体检及高频彩超检查为筛查手段在我省开展妇女乳腺癌筛查具有可行性。


    Abstract: Objective?To assess the appropriateness of breast cancer screening technologies in Guizhou province. Methods?We conducted a questionnaire survey, physical examinations, and high-frequency color Doppler ultrasound examinations in 20 183 women from 2010 to 2012 in Guizhou province. Biopsy was performed in those with suspected breast cancers. Results?The participants included 12 089 women who received repeated screening and 8 094 women who were given the screening service for the first time. Ten from the former group were identified with breast cancer (82.7/100 thousand), with the majority (80%) at an early stage. Eleven from the latter group were identified with breast cancer (135.9/100 thousand), 36.4% of whom being at an early stage. This resulted in a detection of 104 per 100 thousand breast cancers, with 57.1% at an early stage (0, Ⅰ stage). The age of the women with breast cancer ranged from 35 to 80 years old. The prevalence peaked at 41-60 years of age, with 71.4% (15/21) falling into this age group (P<0.05). Solid and cystic masses were found in 246 participants, with a minimum mass of 0.2 cm×0.3 cm. Of the 228 participants diagnosed with benign masses, 225 (98.7%) were confirmed by biopsy results. The biopsy also confirmed 6 precancerous lesions. Conclusion?Guizhou had a prevalence of breast cancer of 104/100 thousand, which peaked at 41-60 years old. The screening method used in this study is appropriate.


