

Origin and Development of Pediatric Dentistry in China

  • 摘要: 儿童口腔医学是口腔医学中的一门独立临床学科,是以儿童和青少年为对象,研究其口腔疾病的病因、临床特点、诊断和治疗方法以及口腔健康预防管理的学科。本文从我国现存最早的中医理论著作《黄帝内经》记载儿童牙病的施治到中国现代儿童口腔医学的起源、学科的创立,从20世纪80年代后期中华医学会口腔科学会口腔儿科学组成立,到20世纪90年代后期中华口腔医学会儿童口腔医学专业委员会的建立,从儿童口腔学科教材及学科的建设,到目前儿童口腔常见疾病防治新理念、新技术的应用与学科繁荣,进行了全面详细地回顾与阐述。


    Abstract: Pediatric dentistry, an independent clinical discipline within the field of stomatology, is focused on the investigation of the etiology, clinical characteristics, diagnosis and treatment methods of oral diseases, and the preventive management of oral health in children and adolescents. Herein, we provided a comprehensive and detailed review and summary of the history of pediatric dentistry in China, from the documentation of pediatric dental care found in Huangdi Neijing (《黄帝内经》), The Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor, one of the oldest existing works on the theories of traditional Chinese medicine, to the origins of modern pediatric dentistry and the establishment of the discipline in China. We traced the timeline from the foundation of the Oral Pediatrics Group, Stomatology Society, Chinese Medical Association in the late 1980s to the establishment of the Pediatric Stomatology Professional Committee of the Chinese Stomatological Association in the late 1990s. We also discussed the preparation of textbooks on pediatric stomatology, the development of the discipline, the application of new concepts and technologies in the prevention and treatment of common oral diseases in children, and the thriving growth of the academic field.


