

Identification of Differences in Brain Functions at Varied Degrees of Acclimatization to High Altitudes Based on Resting-State Electroencephalogram Signals

  • 摘要:
    目的 基于静息态脑电活动的微状态和功能连接分析探究高原习服良好与习服不良者的脑功能差异。
    方法 在3650 m海拔条件下共招募44名受试者作为研究对象,按高原习服指数(altitude acclimatization index, AAI)分为两组。高原习服良好组共22名,平均(20.48±2.09)岁,男10名,女12名;藏族10名,汉族12名。习服不良组共22名,平均(18.90±1.25)岁,男18名,女4名;藏族7名,汉族15名。采用K均值聚类算法将脑电微状态分为A~D四类,比较平均持续时间、覆盖率、发生频率及微状态间转移概率。通过相干分析(coherence analysis, COH)评估脑网络连接强度。
    结果 相对于习服良好组,习服不良组微状态C持续时间较长、发生频率与覆盖率均较高;微状态D的覆盖率较高;而微状态B的发生频率与覆盖率较低。习服不良组微状态B向A和D的转换减少,C向B和D、D向A和C的转换增加,组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。在α、β、δ、θ频段,习服不良组的COH强度在额叶、枕叶等区域均较高,且左右脑功能连接对称。
    结论 高原习服良好者与习服不良者在微状态和功能连接上表现出不同的神经机制,在视觉信息处理、抗干扰能力、脑网络稳定性和连贯性等方面存在显著差异。


    Objective To explore the differences in brain functions between individuals with good acclimatization to high altitudes and those with poor acclimatization based on microstate and functional connectivity analysis of resting-state electroencephalogram (EEG) activities.
    Methods A total of 44 residents exposed to the high-altitude environment of 3650 m above sea level were enrolled. They were divided into two groups according to their findings for the high-altitude acclimatization index (AAI), with 22 in the good acclimatization group and 22 in the poor acclimatization group. The good acclimatization group had 10 males and 12 females of the mean age of (20.48±2.09) years. Among them, 10 were Tibetans, and 12 were Han Chinese. The poor acclimatization group consisted of 18 males and 4 females, with a mean age of (18.90±1.25) years. Among them, 7 were Tibetans, and 15 were Han Chinese. The K-means clustering algorithm was used to classify EEG microstates into four categories of A, B, C, and D. The average duration, coverage, occurrence frequency, and transition probabilities between microstates were compared. Coherence analysis (COH) was performed to assess the strength of brain network connectivity.
    Results Compared to the good acclimatization group, the poor acclimatization group exhibited a longer duration, higher occurrence frequency, and coverage of microstate C. The coverage of microstate D was also higher, while the occurrence frequency and coverage of microstate B were lower. The poor acclimatization group showed a decrease in transitions from microstate B to A or D, while transitions from C to B or D, and those from D to A or C increased, showing statistically significant differences between the groups (P<0.05). In the α, β, δ, and θ frequency bands, the poor acclimatization group had higher COH strength in regions such as the frontal and occipital lobes, showing symmetrical functional connectivity between the left and right hemispheres.
    Conclusion The good and poor high-altitude acclimatization groups exhibit different neural mechanisms in terms of microstates and functional connectivity. There are significant differences between individuals with good acclimatization and those with poor acclimatization regarding visual information processing, interference resistance, brain network stability, and coherence.


